If you used volunteering matching websites you've probably noticed that a lot of volunteers are needed for construction, green construction, or sustainable building. Whether you have the related experience or not there always will be needed for volunteers on the construction site. As some roles there do not require this experience. But if you're up for the gig, you should remember that construction work usually requires full workday involvement.


Once you've found a place to volunteer near you and have an agreement with the seeker, arrive at the site and meet your supervisor. You will get all the details instructions there and will receive safety gear. Smaller projects may not provide you safety gear. And as it is likely some kind of charity project it is a good idea to bring your gear.


No experience? No worries!

Volunteering is about getting new experiences after all. Even if you didn't even help a hammer in your hand. You can always help as a construction handyman and get a ton of extra skills along the way. There's always something to learn on the construction site that will significantly improve your general life quality, and you will spend significantly less money on your won renovations.


One extra skill you will learn on the construction site is safety rules while doing building or renovation work. That is super important if your hands are crooked now. It's a direct example of how assistance to others will return to you tenfold. And all the training you will receive on the construction site will be done by professionals.


What should you expect?

You've probably already checked the construction projects Simbock has. And know the scope of projects involved in construction volunteering. Of course, all the projects will depend on your desired country and area of volunteering. You might want to travel to other countries as many do to combine helping people and traveling or just do some work in your local community.

Projects include building schools, care centers, homes, and due to recent events, there's a huge demand for volunteers that will improve housing for refugees. We've already mentioned it above, but it should be stressed that you should be upfront about your skills or lack of it. Don't worry you will find your project anyway, it just helps to improve general work productivity.

And what's more important you will be surprised by seeing the community improving right before your own eyes if you stay there long enough. You can trust us on this one, we've seen how volunteers bring positive change all around the world.


COVID-19 updates

Since it's been almost a year since we live in the current pandemic situation and all the safety protocols have been made up. So don't worry- working on the construction site is as safe as visiting your Corner shop if not safer.


Building the future

Yes. No pan intended here, but that's what you will really do as a volunteer construction worker. And you will find the seekers with ease by using Simbock.