With the chaos happening in the streets of Kabul, thousands of Afghans and people who supported the previous regime are fleeing the country. They are at this point being resettle in other countries for those who are lucky to board aircrafts to the west and other parts of the world.

The result has been a crisis marked by displacement within the country and abroad. According to the UN High Commission on refugee (UNHCR), nearly 400,000 people have been forced from their homes since the beginning of the year. They joined 2.9 million Afghans who already have been displaced across the country since the end of 2020

United Nations groups have warned humanitarian catastrophe. Women's rights groups, in particular, are uncertain of the future of women and girls.
Afghans who are arriving in the U.S. will be coming to the Washington, D.C., area; Houston and Fort Worth, Texas; and Seattle and Tacoma, Wash.
Here's how you can help them and organizations on the ground in Afghanistan.

Volunteer to help resettled refugees: Many organizations are asking for volunteers to help refugees upon arrival with airport pickups, meal assistance, mentorship, tutoring and more. You can participate if you're in one of the areas where refugees are arriving, or anywhere in the country and there’s also a possibility to make yourself available by registering to simbock.com which is a volunteering platform designed to help people in need especially in such situations.